2021 New Year Credit Store Policies

1. Eligibility
2. Amount of Store Credit
- The amount of Store Credit you will receive depends on the amount of purchase per order.
- There are 5 Credit Tiers, which correspond to 5 levels of purchase order amount, and 5 item groups which indicate the item you can use those store credit on (see article 3).
- The Credit amount is generated randomly, but will remain within its tier depending on the amount spent from your order.
- The following table shows the correspondence between the money you spent, your credit tier and the group of products it can be used.
Purchase Amount (USD) | Credit Tiers ( USD) | Usable Group |
50-99 | 5 or less | A |
100-249 | 5 or less | B |
250-499 | 5-15 | C |
500-1299 | 15-35 | D |
1300+ | 35-100 | All |
3. To use your Store Credit
Depending on your purchase amount, your credit can be used within different product categories.
Notice: The Credit CANNOT be used to purchase any product sold at a discounted price. It cannot be used together with other credits/ discount codes.
The following list of product category explains which products are included in each a group:
Item Group | Products included |
A | Gear & Clothing |
B | Barbells & Plates |
C | Barbells, Plates, Dumbbells, Weight trees and Racks |
D | Barbells, Plates, Dumbbells, Weight trees, Racks and shoes |
4. Issue of Store Credit
- The Store Credit will be issued only once by email.
- We won’t issue the Store Credit twice, unless we notice a failed email delivery and the laureate claims for the Credit by email.
5. Contact
- All Store Credit questions will be replied by email, we won’t reply anything concerning this promotional operation by chat, direct message of Instagram, Facebook Messenger, or anything else other than email.
- Please contact us on:
Messages sent to other email address will be ignored.
6. Validity of Store Credit
- The Store Credit issued by this New Year promotion will expire by December 31st 2021.
- For any customer who don’t have received the Store Credit by any reason, the last deadline of claims is March 31th 2021.
- Any claim sent after the above deadline will not be considered as valid, and the Store Credit will not be resent.